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My Work

  1. Akida - Next gen blockchain for Open Analytical Data Modeling                                                                                        
  2. Webmine - Open data Collection tool.                                                                                                                 
  3.  Hachi - Deep Machine Learning Model Designing, Data Generation & Training, Analysing.Natural Language Processingusing WordNet & NLTK.                                                               
  4. TrackRex - Web crawler for data collection from Internet and computing it using python 3 & bautifulsoup4, Angular & Cordova for mobile app development (frontend), Sailfishjs (Rest API backend)                                                                                                                                            
  5. Acumen - Attendance & fields tracking system for marketing & sales employee. System keep track of employee in fields. Python 3 for analysis.API & Model Designer at server, Angular Mobile App Backend , Unit Testing Implementation.                                                                 
  6.  Server Panel  - Linux Virtualization Solution (Docker) for hosting multiple website and servers on same host. Used Python3 (Backend) for virtual image deployment and system resource management.MySql, PHP (Web Portal) and (HTML-JavaScript-CSS) Stack (UI) for webportal.                                                                                                                                              
  7. Vortex :   Commercial Desktop Application for day to day Business Management, Handling Complex Client Quotations, Billing, Profit-Loss Analysis. Built using C#, WPF, MSSQL Server on .NET 4.0.

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